ANNA_BOM.ZIP 133,575 07-13-95 DXF Bill of Materials Generator v1.00generates BOMs from AutoCAD DXF files.BLOCKs are counted and may be included inor excluded from the BOM. Headers andcolumn titles are editable. Items are alsoeditable.
CADV17.ZIP 36,475 08-04-95 Dbf with name, address, phone, fax, email,bbs, 800, etc. For all known producers ofpd, shareware, free and commercial productsfor use with autocad. Extracted from EMSProfessional Shareware's Aug'95 CD-ROMdirectory.
GCADP200.ZIP 935,553 08-08-95 GammaCAD v2.00 for Windows. Full featuredCAD program. Use it to design an additionto your house, create a circuit diagram,graphs, charts, maps, landscaping, and muchmore. Features include: symbol libraries,more.
MCAD40.ZIP 66,042 08-15-95 MicroCAD v4.0. Powerful but easy-to-usedesign and drawing program. Contains manyfeatures only found in more complex CADprograms. These include 3-D capabilities,and import/export in DXF format.
PLOTR73.ZIP 135,365 08-31-95 Plotter v7.3 <ASP> Scientific data plottingand analysis program. Compact, versatileand easy. Includes a full screen dataeditor, curve fitting, Fast FourierTransforms and digital filtering.
P_RSKY.ZIP 2,050 07-04-95 Tells how to make a good looking sky inPov-Ray.
TSCD401E.ZIP2,141,102 10-01-95 CAD/Draw 4 L1 v4.00 for Win 95. 32-bittechnical illustration, drafting, graphics.Powerful, fast and easy to use. Full set ofdrawing and construction tools, hatchings,dimensioning, symbol management, bitmapobjects, Tru